Senior Software Developer

Krisztián Sipos

> About

I’m a Senior Software Developer from Budapest (HU) with an experience of slowly almost a decade.

My main playground is desktop application development and the back-end, but I'm not afraid to try myself out in a full-stack or in a managing role. I revel in a challenge, and frequently seek out new problems to solve. I also push myself even further and further in my professional carrier by developing myself constantly.

> Skills

>> JavaFX
>> Java Spring
>> Maven
>> Git
>> SQL / noSQL

>> Angular
>> C/C++
>> C#

>> Camunda
>> Arduino

> Languages

Hungarian - Native
English - Fluent
German - Fluent

> Tools

IntelliJ IDEA
Git / GitHub

MySQL Workspace

> Experience

September 2020 - August 2022

Senior Application Developer / Accenture

July 2018 — August 2020

July 2016 — Jun 2018

Function Developer and Safety Engineer / Continental Automotive HU

April 2014 — Jun 2016

Junior Software Developer / Univeristy of Pannonia

September 2022 - Present

Custom Application Development Specialist / Accenture

> Education
I'm currently...

Reading the book: Clean Architecture from Robert C. Martin

Extending my smart home with custom actions by programming them with Java 8 using the smart-home-java library

Learning Kotlin

Updating and upgrading my website