Accenture / September 2022 - present

Custom Application Development Specialist

I'm working on a banking project, where we upgrade and update the already existing system.

I work here with the tasks of:
> Spring Boot Back-End API development
> Implementing new functionalities
> Angular Front-End development

The used technologies are Java 11, Spring Boot, Angular, Hibernate, Maven, MySQL, Git, Google Cloud, Camunda, etc...
The used method is SCRUM and Agile delivery, the architecture is based on microservices

brown wooden door with brass door knob
brown wooden door with brass door knob

Accenture / September 2020 - August - 2022

Senior Application Developer

I worked on a project that supports of the migration of an eye-care software into the cloud. The project requires the usage of English language

It gives for me tasks, like:
> Spring Boot Back-End API development
> Feature development for an existing multimodule Java desktop application
> Performance tuning of the ones above
> Supporting/doing the integration and release processes
> Supporting the developers with coding and/or KT sessions
> Customer contact

The used technologies are Java 8, Spring Boot, Swing, Hibernate, Maven, MySQL, Git, Azure
The used method is SCRUM and Agile delivery, the architecture is a multimodule maven project

person wearing loupe glasses
person wearing loupe glasses

Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions HU / July 2018 — August 2020

Java Developer

I worked on a project, that updated and upgraded an old, multimodule Automotive engineering application, that was used mostly for research and development. The project required to use German language

I was responsible for tasks like:
> Design and Develop subsystems and components of the upgraded software
> Requirement analysis
> Eclipselink
> Customer contact

JavaFX and JDK 8 were used as technology along with MySQL, and Eclipselink, SVN
The used method was Agile delivery, the architecture was a multimodule project with legacy code support (Tcl/Tk C/C++)

black flat screen computer monitor
black flat screen computer monitor

Continental Automotive Hungary / July 2016 — Jun 2018

Function Developer and Safety Engineer

I worked on the AYC (Active Yaw Control) module of the ESC (Electronic Stability Control) system. The product I worked on was specifically featured for one of the biggest vehicle concerns. The development itself was very hardware-close, because it was done on the own product of Continental with a customer specific embedded software. The role of mine required to use both German and English language

The tasks of mine were most likely:
> Embedded C/C++ development
> Requirement Analysis
> Engineering approach to software development
> Vehicle test support from software side personally on the test track or remotely
> Customer contact

The used methodologies were mostly Agile with ISO26262 software development, the architecture was embedded software development in a multi-cluster project. We used SVN and later Git for version control, Eclipse based IDE, Jenkins, Software for Measurement Analysis, Requirement Engineering, etc...

white Volkswagen vehicle during daytime
white Volkswagen vehicle during daytime

Junior Developer

I was involved in developing more projects, that ran in the hands of the R&D section of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pannonia. The job itself was open for the potent students of the University, who were able to work on the projects that came mainly from companies or government sector.
Like this, I was able to deepen the practical knowledge from the classes with the technologies and mentality of the industrial practice.
As part of one of those projects, I was able to make my thesis as well, which was an Interpreter module for an SAP-like system, which gives support to create internal macros and pipelines.

I learned and deepened my knowledge in
> Java SE/EE development
> node.JS
> IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB
> C# and C# WPF
> Hibernate

We mainly used the waterfall methodology, but there were projects, that used Agile. As there were more projects running at that time, different architectures were used, specifically for the projects.

three men sitting on chair beside tables
three men sitting on chair beside tables